We are not affiliated with any of the markets featured on this website.

Scenes From a Public Market  is an independent photojournalism project and is not meant to discredit or promote specific markets or individuals. We attend markets and capture what we see. We post some of what we capture.

We launched in August of 2012, and update at our discretion.

If you would like to know more about a specific market, find out when they are open, or contact a representative of that market, we have provided essential information about each market. You can find this information within the Markets menu. Beyond that, we cannot help you.

How you can help

We do not accept donations and do not sell any products. You can help by letting your friends, coworkers, and family members know about this website. You can do that by using the share buttons to the right here, or at the bottom of  each page/gallery. Most of all, you can help by bookmarking us and visiting often.

We do not accept any photo submissions and are not looking for additional team members for this project.

If you find yourself in one of our photos, and would not like to be featured, you may request to be removed here.

Our photos are copyrighted.

You may not use them without written permission from the photographer.